1-25 of 1362 Resource Library
1-25 of 1362 Resource Library
The first in the series of PerkinElmer Geology & Mining workshops, Chady Stephan, Chemicals Market Leader discusses an overview of mining, minerals, mining techniques and processes, and the sample testing needed from exploration phases through to refining …
Introduction In this webinar, hear from the Institute of General and Analytical Chemistry research team at Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL) in Austria. Speakers will outline their research work on identifying and quantifying TCEs (Technology Critical …
Introdução A análise de nanopartículas únicas com ICP-MS requer uma abordagem diferente da medição de elementos dissolvidos. Este trabalho descreve a teoria por trás das medições de ICP-MS de partícula única, traçando comparações e diferenças com a …
Newsroom A PerkinElmer adquire a Covaris A PerkinElmer adquire a Covaris para criar uma plataforma global de diagnóstico e ciências da vida orientada para a inovação SHELTON, CT, 4 de dezembro de 2023 - A PerkinElmer, líder global em serviços e …
Introduction When accuracy and precisions are critical, you need accessories that allow you the flexibility to get the job done right. The LAMBDA 1050+ high-performance spectrophotometer is designed with two oversized sampling bays to accommodate an array …
Thermal Desorption Applications and Method Optimization …
Introduction Syngistix™ software for NexION ® ICP-MS instruments provides several different ways of data acquisition, depending on analysis needs and desirable results. The following analysis modes are available: Quantitative, TotalQuant, isotope …
Introduction Syngistix™ software for NexION ® ICP-MS instruments provides several different ways of data acquisition, depending on analysis needs and desirable results. The following analysis modes are available: Quantitative, TotalQuant, isotope …
Introduction This webinar will examine the power of precursor and product ion scans using PerkinElmer's NexION 5000 multi-quadrupole ICP-MS. Each scan mode offers a unique advantage when developing methods. Precursor ion scans are ideal for identifying …
Introduction This webinar will focus on PerkinElmer’s Lambda 1050+ UV-Vis-NIR instrument and discuss various modular sampling accessories and detector modules that can be used when addressing a broad range of material types, all within a single …
Terms & Conditions of Quotation / Sales Proposal - India (INR) Unless otherwise stated in this quotation, PerkinElmer India Pvt. Ltd.’s standard terms and conditions of sale as appended below shall apply. Any changes to these terms and conditions must be …
Terms & Conditions of Quotation / Sales Proposal - India (USD) Unless otherwise stated in this quotation, PerkinElmer India Pvt., Ltd's standard terms and conditions of sale as appended below shall apply. Any changes to these terms and conditions must be …
1. Vertragsbedingungen. Diese Nutzungsbedingungen („Vereinbarung“) gelten für alle Bestellungen von Dienstleistungen („Dienstleistungen“), die PerkinElmer dem Kunden („Kunde“) zur Verfügung stellt, und haben Vorrang vor allen vorgedruckten, Standard- oder …
1. WARUNKI UMOWY: Niniejsze Warunki Umów Serwisowych (“Umowa”) regulują wszystkie zamówienia usług serwisowych („Usługi”) świadczone przez PerkinElmer na rzecz Nabywcy (“Nabywca”) i mają charakter nadrzędny wobec wszelkich innych standardowych lub innych …
Introduction This workshop will discuss typical challenges in analyzing geochemical samples and strategies to overcome them, and some analytical examples demonstrating speed versus accuracy. … Laser Ablation in Mining, Simplified Sample …
1. Términos del acuerdo. Estos Términos y condiciones del servicio (el “Acuerdo ”) regirán todas las órdenes de servicios (los “ Servicios ”) emitidas por PerkinElmer para el cliente (el “ Cliente ”) y prevalecerán por sobre cualesquiera otros términos …
General Terms and Conditions of Sale - Global (English) Applicability . As used herein, “ PerkinElmer ” shall mean the entity listed on the document to which these terms are attached and/or referenced. These terms and conditions of sale (these “ Terms ”) …
Applicability . As used herein, “ PerkinElmer ” shall mean the entity listed on the document to which these terms are attached and/or referenced. These terms and conditions of sale (these "Terms ") are the only terms which govern the sale of hardware and …
1 Anwendbarkeit; Vertragsschluss 1.1 Diese Verkaufsbedingungen (diese „Bedingungen") sind die einzigen Bedingungen, die den Verkauf von Geräten, Hardware und Verbrauchsprodukten („Produkte") durch uns an den Käufer unserer Produkte („Kunde") regeln. …
1 Applicabilité ; conclusion d'un contrat 1.1 Les présentes Conditions générales de vente (les « Conditions ») sont les seules conditions qui régissent la vente d'instruments, de matériel et de produits consommables (les « Produits ») par nous à …
Anvendelighed; Indgåelse af Kontrakt 1.1 Disse salgsbetingelser (disse "Vilkår") er de eneste vilkår, der regulerer salg af instrumenter, hardware og forbrugsvarer ("Produkter") af os til køberen af vores Produkter ("Kunden"). Disse Vilkår og det …
Términos del acuerdo. Estos Términos y condiciones del servicio (el " Acuerdo ") regirán todas las órdenes de servicios (los " Servicios ") proporcionadas por PerkinElmer al cliente (el " Cliente ") y prevalecerán sobre cualquier término preimpreso, …
Introduction Most people turn to some form of insurance, whether it be life, health, car or trip, to mitigate risk in their personal lives. Businesses choose service disruption, product liability, and fire or flood insurance to reduce the costs of the …