826-850 of 1362 Resource Library
826-850 of 1362 Resource Library
Introduction The new generation of Thermal Analyzers from PerkinElmer deliver high productivity with reliable performance from routine to research applications. The new design of Pyris DSC 9 provides a robust and compact furnace that gives you …
Introduction From the start of our busy days to the end, electricity is the life blood that keeps us going. We cook, heat, clean, light, work, communicate and are entertained all driven by electricity. The most common modes of generation are …
Introduction Advanced instrumentation is key to work in nano-materials. Functional tools such as optical and thermal measurement techniques allow the characterization of materials. As such, they complement imaging tools such as AFM and TEM-SEM …
Introduction This poster lays out our whole material characterization range for the analysis of polymers and plastics. Find ideal techniques and instruments at each stage in the polymer manufacturing process: Resin Development - Resin …
Copyright ©2021, PerkinElmer, Inc. All rights reserved. PerkinElmer® is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc. 209463 7 2 4 6 Clarus® 690 GC • High-throughput toxicology labs workhorse • Dual column offers best- practice concentration testing of …
Introduction This work demonstrates the robust chromatographic separation and quantitation of saccharides in high fructose corn syrup using a PerkinElmer LC 300 HPLC system with refractive index detection and its value to wet corn mills producing …
Introduction The computer and mobile communications industries have evolved to the point that they touch every aspect of our personal and business lives. Their software, user interface (UI), and user experience (UX) aspects are continuously evolving …
Introduction The knowledge about tocochromanol-related compounds, especially tocotrienols, tocodienols,tocomonoenols, and others, is still limited due to several challenges faced in analytical chemistry. These challenges include separation resolution, …
Introduction Grain processors know that Near infrared (NIR) is an indispensable ingredient in any grain-based production workflow. Whether segregating grain at intake or processing to specifications, NIR process sensors make grain products – and …
Fast Results Anytime, Anywhere Take the Torion T-9 portable GC/MS to your samples… wherever they are. PerkinElmer's Torion® T-9 portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) brings new meaning to portability. At a total weight of only 32 pounds, …
Faster analysis, lower costs Designed specifically to meet the requirements of the Caterpillar® S.O.SSM program, the JOAP program, and the new ASTM® Methods D7412, D7414, D7415, D7418, Spectrum™ OilExpress is the fastest, most cost-effective Oil Condition …
EXCEPTIONAL NIR PERFORMANCE DA 7250™ Diode Array NIR Analysis System 2 Analysis Features • 6-second analysis of all types of samples • Touch screen operation with intuitive software • Unique performance on unground or inhomogeneous samples • Easy sample …
FT-IR Spectroscopy Spectrum Two for Polymers QA/QC Refreshingly easy to use and maintain, Spectrum Two™ offers a readymade solution for rapid, worry-free polymer analysis. User friendly design features combined with a Polymer Application Pack ensure that …
Introduction The PerkinElmer Polymer Recycling Package makes use of the most commonly-used techniques for material characterization and additionally supports Plastic Identification Codes (PIC), used worldwide for packaging applications. When you …
Ozone Precursor System P R O D U C T N O T E Key Features: • Most reliable analysis of ozone precursors • Fully U.S. EPA compliant • Total end-to-end solution from sampling to reporting Introduction In the United States, the Clean Air Act of 1970 gave the …
FT-IR analysis has become an increasingly important tool for in-service lubricants analysis, and is now widely deployed in a range of environ- ments from high-throughput labs using the OilExpress autosampling system through to smaller field labs and …
Spectrum Two In-Service Lubricants Analysis System FT-IR Spectroscopy Analyzing in-service lubricants is essential to minimize expensive equipment downtime and ensure oil is changed at optimal intervals. Lubricant failure due to oxidation and nitration …
Introduction Complete characterization of spark engine components in fuel streams requires the use of complex instrumental setups, long GC method run times and careful data analysis with a high degree of oversight. Enter in the VUV Analyzer Platform for …
FT-IR Spectroscopy Spectrum Two for Polymers QA/QC Refreshingly easy to use and maintain, Spectrum Two™ offers a readymade solution for rapid, worry-free polymer analysis. User friendly design features combined with a Polymer Application Pack ensure that …
Introduction Representatives from the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) discuss their investigation into the presence of microplastics in the Arctic Ocean. The research area is particularly sensitive to environmental pollution and pressures …
Introduction Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that have become a permanent part of the marine environment, and that can end up being ingested by humans through seafood consumption. Scientists all over the world are working to identify the true …
Introduction One of the biggest challenges to-date in microplastics analysis has been the lack of standardized methodologies that articulate best practices and approaches to ensure high-quality, sensitive, reproducible methods. This case study focuses …
Introduction The combination of thermogravimetric analyzers (TGA) with mass spectrometers (MS) to analyze the gases evolved during a TGA analysis is a fairly well-known technique. In cases of complex samples, TG-MS often results in data in which it is …
Introduction From keeping our drinking water safe to disinfecting our public transportation systems and hospitals, chlorine chemistry plays a critical role in the manufacturing of thousands of products we depend upon to remain healthy. Whether it’s used …
PerkinElmer has led the way for over 25 years with powerful Software and Informatics Solutions. Use the links below to quickly find your software solution download. Then, to download and run your software: Right click on the link to the file and choose …